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Concerts with works by
Raphaël Merlin


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Concerts in season 2024/25 or later where works by Raphaël Merlin is performed

February 27, 2025
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Quatuor Ébène

Thu, Feb 27, 2025, 19:30
Elbphilharmonie, Kleiner Saal (Hamburg)
Pierre Colombet (Violin), Gabriel Le Magadure (Violin), Marie Chilemme (Viola), Yuya Okamoto (Cello)
This concert will not only make the hearts of string quartet fans beat faster, but also delight newcomers to chamber music: with technical brilliance and incredible versatility, the Quatuor Ébène has been among the crème de la crème of the music world for over twenty years – »a string quartet that can easily morph into a jazz band,« gushed the New York Times. For their next visit to Hamburg, the musicians have packed repertoire gems as well as brand new pieces into their luggage. A particular highlight is the performance of a new work by Raphaël Merlin. He was cellist in the Quatuor Ébène until spring 2024 and is now focusing on his international career as a composer and conductor. You may be very curious about what the Frenchman will place onto the stands of his long-standing ensemble. The award-winning foursome also presents Beethoven’s first-ever string quartet before the work commissioned by the Elbphilharmonie. With this adventurous piece, Beethoven opened a new chapter in music history after Haydn and Mozart. Just 70 years later, Tchaikovsky composed his expressive Third String Quartet, which he dedicated to a deceased friend, the violinist Ferdinand Laub – a highly emotional work that expresses a profoundly touching obituary in sounds especially in its slow movement.
May 20, 2025
Artistic depiction of the event

Quatuor Ébène

Tue, May 20, 2025, 20:00
Quatuor Ébène (Ensemble)
Sie sind unermüdlich im musikalischen Hochgebirge unterwegs. Keine Expedition ist ihnen zu mühsam. Sie erschließen komplexe Landschaften und fühlen sich darin pudelwohl. Die Mitglieder des Quatuor Ébène zählen zur Spitzenklasse unter den Streichquartetten.Das Quatuor Ébène ist auf allen Kontinenten eine feste Größe, spätestens seit seiner Welttournee »Beethoven Live Around the World«. Die daraus resultierenden Einspielungen aller Streichquartette von Ludwig van Beethoven gelten als »neue Referenzaufnahme«. In der Tat kann man sich der Sogkraft dieses Ensembles kaum entziehen. Nichts wirkt mühsam einstudiert, sondern alles spontan und wie improvisiert.